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Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition

Alcohol Awareness

Our education programs help adolescents and young adults learn about the prevention, intervention, and treatment of alcohol-related problems.

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Vaping Prevention

Electronic nicotine devices or e-cigarettes are highly-addictive and harmful to developing lungs. Our programs can reduce risk behavior, particularly in adolescents and young adults.

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Marijuana Prevention

If your teen or young adult is abusing marijuana, we can help. Our programs were created to prevent the use and misuse of this commonly misunderstood drug.

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Opioids Prevention

Opioid misuse is a serious problem. We offer research and evidence-based programs for the treatment and prevention of all opioid-type drugs.

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Safe Prescription Use

Our medication safety programs can help with the safe usage and storage of many commonly-prescribed medications to keep you and your family safe.

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young adults embracing outside

Help With Preventing Substance Use in Young Adults

According to the Center on Addiction, more than 90% of Americans with a substance use disorder started smoking, drinking, or doing drugs before the age of 18. The State of Rhode Island Department of Health notes that overdose deaths attributed to opioids alone—particularly synthetic forms such as fentanyl—are on the rise in our state, with incidence rates much higher than the national average. This isn’t just a problem; it’s an epidemic. The Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition is committed to changing youth perception and eliminating at-risk behavior.

How We Help Prevent Substance Use

Since our founding, we have worked tirelessly to educate the public on the dangers of substance use and provide treatment options to those suffering from addiction. Thanks to funding from federal, state, and local grants, we continue to expand and revise our resources to better accommodate the needs of our community. We have established programs that focus on underage use of some of the most prominent substances among today’s youth, including the following:

  • Alcohol
  • Vapes
  • Tobacco
  • Marijuana
  • Prescription drugs
  • Opioids

We’re involved with the implementation of campaigns specific to the prevention of youth substance abuse through evidence-based education and assisting at-risk youth. We aim to change youth perception toward drugs and alcohol and provide the necessary resources for successful futures. We do this, particularly through education and using school curricula to show the effects that drugs, alcohol, and tobacco have on personal relationships, academic performance, and mental and physical health.

Effective substance use prevention starts with early education. With the help and support of our community, the Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition can provide the next generation of Cranston with the resources they need to lead fulfilling lives free from the harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. For more information on our services and programs, contact us at 401-467-9610.

group of people supporting each other

Who Is the Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition

Established in 1987 by the City of Cranston, the Cranston Substance Abuse Task Force (now the CRANSTON SUBSTANCE PREVENTION COALITION) became part of the Comprehensive Community Action Program (CCAP) in 2005 with the goal of developing and maintaining an effective substance abuse prevention program that targets the reduction of substance abuse among Cranston youth. As a primary provider of local resources for adolescents—including workforce programs, diversionary rehabilitation services, and treatment for behavioral health and addiction—CCAP’s leadership of the Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition allowed for the merging of programs as well as the creation of new initiatives. Our board is made up of twelve community sectors, each one featuring members who offer perspectives, expertise, and ideas regarding the many aspects of our diverse approaches to substance abuse prevention.

CCAP Awarded $625,000 to Combat Youth Substance Abuse

CRANSTON, R.I., November 30, 2018 – The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration recently announced that Comprehensive Community Action Program (CCAP) was awarded a grant totaling $625,000 to establish a Drug-Free Communities Support Program (DFC) in the City of Cranston. CCAP’s Cranston Substance Prevention Coalitionwill receive $125,000 each year for the next five years for a total of $625,000.

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Middle School Students, Staff Learn About Dangers of Vaping

As the vaping epidemic affects young people across the nation, the Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition , Cranston Public Schools, and Cranston Police Department are working together to help take on the issue by educating students. All of the eighth-grade students in Cranston Public Schools, along with their physical education and health teachers, have been presented with a vaping presentation by Dana DeVerna and Katelyn Bianco from the Cranston Substance Abuse Task Force. The school resource officers from the middle school level were present at the assemblies.

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