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Notice our name changed?

You may have noticed that we’ve updated our name from the Cranston Substance Abuse Task Force to the Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition. This change reflects our commitment to using the most current and preferred language surrounding substance use.

Our next step is updating our logo so stay tuned for that!

Preventing Substance Use in Cranston & Beyond

Our Mission

The mission of the Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition is to promote healthy attitudes and behaviors for youth and families through community action with a focus on substance use and misuse reduction and prevention.

group of hands showing teamwork

What Is CSPC?

The Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition (CSPC) began in 1987 as an initiative by the City of Cranston. In 2005, the City approached the Comprehensive Community Action Program (CCAP) to oversee the organization’s leadership. CCAP was selected because of its continued work in such programs as youth work through workforce development, behavioral health, and addictions treatment, as well as diversionary and healthcare programs.

In 2005, we hired a coordinator whose tasks involved developing the board and engaging the community, which represented two of our immediate challenges. With funding from various federal, state, and local incentive grants, we have managed to impact youth substance use by increasing community and youth education and awareness while developing a core group of diverse stakeholders to plan and optimize prevention efforts.

The mission of the Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition is to promote healthy attitudes and behaviors for youth and families through community action with a focus on substance use and misuse reduction and prevention. The Vision of the Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition is for Cranston and its youth to be free from harm of alcohol, drug, and nicotine abuse.

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