COVID-19 Extra Resources
Staying Vigilant for Your Safety & Ours
During this public health crisis, the Cranston Student Assistance Counselors and the Coalition have compiled extra resources to fit the newly emerging needs
Stress & Wellbeing
- RIDOH Resources for Teens during COVID-19
- CCAP’S Behavioral Health: Currently still taking referrals!
- Headspace / Weathering the Storm- Free app for ALL during Covid-19
- Free app for meditation
Stress Management
If You or Someone Is in Emotional Pain & Needs Help
Call: Kids’ Link RI: 1-855-543-5465 Under 18 Years 401-414-Link (5465) 18 Years and Older
Parenting Is Prevention
Make your disapproval of underage drinking clear. Parents remain the leading influence on their child's decisions about whether or not to drink.
Show you care about your child's health and success. Discuss the dangers of underage drinking early and often. Studies show kids start experimenting with drugs and alcohol as early as 4th and 5th grade.
Secure any alcohol in your home. Reducing access to alcohol will both prevent underage drinking and help your child/teen avoid negative pressure from their friends.
Pay attention, and you'll discourage risky behaviors. Teens need space, but they also need boundaries. Supervise all underage gatherings at your home. You don't have to pry to let your teen know you're paying attention.
Model responsible drinking. Discuss and model ways to have fun that are alcohol-free. Raise the bar. Your children will reach for it.