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Substance Use Resources for Teens & Parents

Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition can provide you with information on a range of substance use issues as well as access to important resources. Struggling against substance abuse is difficult, but doing so alone and without the proper information and resources is nearly impossible. At Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition, we get you the help you need to help you overcome substance use.

  • Youth who start drinking before age 15 are 5x more likely to develop a dependency or abuse later in life
  • Underage drinkers on average consume more drinks per drinking occasion than adult drinkers
  • Drinking during the teen years can potentially interfere with normal brain development and have negative effects on processing information
  • 90% of alcohol consumed by teens involves binge drinking
  • Problems in school are common among teens who abuse/use alcohol
  • Only 1% of parents believe their teen binge drinks
  • Youth between the ages of 12-20 drink 1% of all alcohol consumed in the U.S.
  • Youth ages 11-14 see about 1,000 advertisements a year on alcohol
  • Peer pressure and “social influence” are the leading causes of underage drinking in the U.S.
parents have the most influence on whether or not their child will drink alcohol
take a look underage drinking
  • E-Cigarettes and other Vaping devices are not risk free:
    • Can cause damage to the brain, heart and lungs
    • Can cause Cancerous tumor development
    • Has harmful effects on brain and lung development on adolescents.
  • Not FDA approved:
    • Not approved to be a smoking cessation aid
    • Not held to FDA standards for safety
    • Free to market a “Risk-free image”
  • Difficult to assess the danger of any specific Vaping product because there is limited federal oversight.
  • Most E-Cigarettes contain Nicotine
  • Youth are 4x more likely to start smoking cigarettes if they Vape
  • 1 Juul Pod = 20 Cigarettes worth of Nicotine
  • 7% of all E-Cigarettes contain Nicotine ( Youth don’t usually know this)
  • Youth report that e-cigarette flavors are the main reason they trying vaping.
  • Youth can order “e-juice” on the internet. Websites don’t always ask for proof of age
high teen exposure to e-cig advertising
teens and e-cigarettes
  • Teens are more likely to use Marijuana than Tobacco
  • Recreational use of marijuana by teens is not legal in any state in the U.S.
  • Research shows that even short term use of marijuana can lead to:
    • Problems with memory and concentration
    • Increased aggression
    • Use of other drugs or alcohol
    • Interference with prescribed medication
  • Long term use of marijuana can lead to:
    • Same breathing problems as smoking cigarettes
    • Decreased motivation or interest
  • Most teens do not see marijuana as harmful. They think it is safer than other drugs leading to more teens willing to try marijuana.
marijuana use & educational outcomes
teen marijuana use
  • Opioids are Vicodin (Hydrocodone), Oxycontin (Oxycodone), Percocet, Oxymorphone (Opana), Morphine, Codeine, and Fentanyl.
    • These are all somewhat common prescriptions that doctors may give out.
  • As many as 1 in 5 teens admit to taking a prescription drug that was not theirs.
  • Teens abuse Adderall and Ritalin in addition to opioids.
  • Opioids have addictive qualities to them.
  • Most teens get the prescriptions from their own medicine cabinets, friends’ medicine cabinets, or even grandparents’ medicine cabinets.
  • 12% of teens admit to using and over the counter cough medicine to get high.
  • Teens who learn about the risks of drugs from their parents are up to 50% less likely to use drugs than those who don’t.
1 in 6 teenagers admit to taking prescription drugs to get high or change their mood

There are two locations for safe prescription drop off locations in Cranston:

  1. Cranston Police Department
    5 Garfield Ave Cranston, RI 02920
  2. 24 Hour CVS on Reservoir Ave
    681 Reservoir Ave Cranston, RI 02910

Also, any 24-hour CVS has a safe Prescription Drop off box.

deposit your unwanted prescription drugs here
young adults embracing outside

Getting You the Help You Need

Substance use is not easy to overcome, but information specific to the kind of substances a teen is struggling with can make a big difference. At Cranston Substance Prevention Coalition, we’ve compiled some of the key facts and data available on the topics of alcohol, vaping, marijuana, and prescription medications. Together, these provide parents and teens with a baseline to determine what behavior may indicate a substance abuse problem. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that teenagers who start drinking before their 15th birthday are five times more likely to develop alcohol problems later in life. Facts like these can make a big impression on teens and their parents, especially combined with counseling and other resources.

Get the Support You Need Today